Last night we enjoyed a wonderful visit with Lorna, Kalila and Jackie in the GasLamp Section of Downtown San Diego. It's funny how they were able to make this one street (5th) thrive, even on a Sunday night in a slumping economy, wereas other cities, such as Sacramento, haven't been successful. We decided to eat at the Spaghetti Factory. We weren't overly hungry, as our late lunch did quite a job of filling us up. We caught up on current events with each other and enjoyed a leisurely dinner.
We stopped for gas so that the tank would be full when we returned from the cruise. The Valero across the street offered unleaded for $2.99 a gallon vs $3.03 at the Shell. So for a savings of $.03 cents we went to the Valero. When we pull in, the sign on the far side of the lot advises that $2.99 is the cash price, but $3.05 is the credit/debit price. WHAT! So we toodle back over to the Shell and gas up there.
At 10:45pm we picked up our last two passengers, Theresia and Dezzie from the airport. They decided to fly, which worked out fine because of the space in the van. Otherwise we would have had to drive the Suburban, which would have been ok, but used alot of gas. As it was, we used 2 tanks for the drive down, about $120.
I checked emails and notes on FB when we returned. Dessie and Theresia had updated their status to indicate that they were hungry. So I sent them a message and told them that I had some fried chicken. A few moments later they were quietly scratching and mewing at our door. I can tell this trip is going to be one for the books!
6:43 am.
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